The Bridge Blog

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How many times per week does your office receive appointment requests from patients? Although some physicians and hospital administrators may have an idea, most don’t know the answer to this question. Estimates range from 30 to 50 for small practices to more than 500 for large hospitals. Regardless of what…

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“If you build it, will they come?” Most discussions these days about patient portals and attaining Meaningful Use Stage 2 criteria are centered around the technical aspects. But while a patient portal provides a gateway for communication and is a great way to engage patients, it doesn’t ensure that patients…

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Communication is an integral component of patient engagement, but it isn’t easy to accomplish – particularly due to the fact that people communicate, process and interpret interactions differently. There are some ways, however, to overcome communication barriers. Healthcare professionals need to understand that successful patient engagement strategies require patience. In…

We’re excited to be launching the Bridge Patient Portal Patient Engagement Blog! The blog will be a useful source of information for physician practices, hospitals, telemedicine businesses and other healthcare organizations regarding patient engagement, patient portal software, other healthcare technologies, and more. We’ll be updating the blog with articles and news stories frequently, so check…